

BeOceanMinded: Raising ocean awareness through sea turtle photography, highlighting the impact of plastic on marine life.

898 Pieces of Plastic

• The most common question people ask me is. What is your favorite image. My favorite image is the lasting impression someone might get from one of my photos or videos inspiring them to take one more step towards helping protect mother nature and most importantly our oceans.

• Sea Turtles have been a focus of mine for the past 17 years. As a keystone species for millions of years they are vital to our oceans health.

• Mankind has impacted sea turtles. There is an emotional connection that I can bridge with my images of sea turtles. From babies to nearly 100 year old females.

• Some estimate that one day soon there will be more plastic than fish in the sea? Its estimated Over 20 million metric tonnes of plastic enters our aquatic systems every year.

•  The ocean is home to approximately 94% of the earths living species.

• The ocean produces over 50% of the oxygen we breathe.

• That is what our oceans give us. Life

• Humans have given an estimated 19-23 million metric tons of plastic waste to our oceans in 2016 that will not go away and only get smaller.

• My BeOceanMinded project was aimed at environmental awareness with my subject being sea turtles.
• 898 pieces. Found in one turtle. who died after just one month.

• Working with biologists and scientists in the lab, we created a visual representation for me to show the world

• The innocence of nature deserves the power of mankind.

• We all are here today because of plastic. You probably brushed your teeth, took a shower, combed your hair, put on deodorant, ate breakfast and arrived here in a vehicle. All made from plastic.

• Plastic is forever

• plastic is one of the few things the power of the ocean can’t destroy.

• The revolution of mankind threatens the evolution of this kind.

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