Recently the Palm Beach link had an article that I was featured in ...
Support our Sea Turtle's of the world with a 2014 calendar featuring a couple of my images including the cover from the Sea Turtle Conservancy! All proceeds go to The Sea Turtle Conservancy. Click here to purchase one ...
Recently I was honored to have a Loggerhead sea turtle image of mine shot in Palm Beach, Florida in 2012 run in the latest issue of Panda Magazine in Europe. ...
Join me on The Surf Bus and learn about surf/water photography while you go on a mini surf trip! For more info and to sign up: ...
My popular image of a Loggerhead Sea Turtle hatchling making its way out to sea in Palm Beach, FL isn't just popular in Florida but around the world. It has appeared in front of millions on websites around the world. The US Department of Interior...
Recently I exhibited in South Beach, Miami during Art Basel in conjunction with a couple other excellent photographers...
Check out some of my latest work with Green Sea Turtles as they are in the middle of their egg laying season here in South Florida! [gallery]...